Sunday, May 31, 2009

Riding to the Gig

I've wanted to do this for a long time and it seemed the timing was right Friday. Loaded up the bike with my guitar and gear and proceeded to ride out to St. Joe. I had a stiff head wind the whole way, but I arrived on time. Unfortunately, out of no where the weather went bad(not forecasted) and we were pelted with high winds and a downpour. The farmers market venders scrambled to take down their tents and I had to abandon my mission and hitch a ride home with a band mate. Luckily, we will be playing the market again and I will go for a repeat.


Jen said...

I saw your post about riding to the gig on Friday afternoon.... and when I saw the clouds roll in at about 4:30, I grimaced in your honor. :) Hope your equipment didn't get rained on.

brewboy said...

The equipment was fine. The farmers were very happy to see the rain, so it was worth it.

grousy said...

bummer it was more wind than rain- rain already!! (but not Friday afternoon and evening, OK rain gods?)