Saturday, December 8, 2007


-14 F this morning. Looks like we actually have a real Minnesota winter this year.
Sorry for the lack of updates , but there hasn't been anything new to report. The government gives us a list of items it needs-we send them in-then they ask for more. It's really been a frustrating process. They say we should be approved to brew next week, but I've heard that four weeks in a row now. I'm trying to stay sane.
I'll keep you posted on any new developments. Have a good weekend.


Jen said...

We'll be patient... promise. ;)

brewboy said...

Thanks Jen!
Love the Myspace songs by the way!

Jen said...

Oh God.... *blush*

Did you listen to the Beer Snob song? Just got that one up. I'm thinking it might make a good e-mail Christmas gift to the brew club. LOL.

brewboy said...

I like it. It's "edgey" with the swear word ;)
What are you recording with?

Jen said...

A crummy $12 computer mic and a free copy of Audacity. I really need to cough up the cash for a recording session somewhere. Oh well.

How'd you find the page? I just added it to my Blogger profile, but I don't think it was on there before...

brewboy said...

If i remember right you requeted to be friends with the Cannery Row band Myspace site. I'm in that band. I have a Zoom H4 recorder I need to play with more and get some songs down. It's a neat little unit.

Jen said...

Ah yes, I remember now.

You'll have to tell me more about the Zoom recorder sometime.