Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tripel Trouble Now On Tap

Here's the 411:

Belgian Monastery breweries have been making the worlds most interesting beers for many years. Many of these beers are only available inside the monastery walls only for the monks enjoyment. Beers of high strength are brewed to sustain the monks during their fasts. Our Abbey style Trippel is one such beer. Trippel means that it's three times the strength of a regular beer. Brewed with over 900 pounds of the highest quality Belgian malts and candi sugar. Belgian candi sugar looks like "rock candy" and contributes a "rummy" flavor to the beer. A Belgian monastery ale yeast gives this beer a fruity/spicy complexity while maintaining drinkability despite it's strength. Hints of honey, carmel, light fruits and a subtle spicyness are experienced in it's flavor.


markybrue said...

I want some :(

brewboy said...

Well, get on home dammit!
Congrats on the little one by the way. I always have to hear it second hand :(

brewski said...

This is a great beer, I bet a growler of this will get you where your going! I hear that clown from Cloudy Town is going to put this one in for a Pick of the week. I hope dorky guy doesn't plagerize your site to much.